creamy garlic dipping sauce

It’s like 95% of people are severely addicted to that delicious-tasty creamy garlic dipping sauce from all ’em pizza parlours. For real, when my boyz order some ‘za (you can use “za” in scrabble homie) they get like 3 dipping sauces per person – you gotta be straight ballin’ to afford that. Anyways, home-made pizza is obvi better than ordering pizza (I’mma blog that soon-time), and trust yo, this dipping sauce tastes just like the others, but it’s mad cheap and mad gangsta.

What you got pizza pizza?

awwww yea, that's some sweet potato, kale 'n roasted garic 'za behind

Yield: some dipping sauce
Time: 5 minutes
Suggested tunage: Sam Roberts – Without a Map (love this jam right now)

– spoonful of butter, at room temp
– spoonful of mayo (not that tangy zip shiz)
– spoonful of sour cream
– 2 cloves of garlic, minced
– salt to taste
– spices/herbs if you feelin’ buck-wild (I had some dill on hand)

1. Whip everything up in a bowl until it’s lookin’ so nice and creamy. Done.

Word yo,

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